Today's piece was created first in TypeDrawing where I used the snowflake font to draw this blue sky and field of yellow. Usually one of the first things I do when I download a new painting program is draw this particular scene. Once on a train trip across Canada when I was very, very young I saw enormous fields of something bright yellow and it's always stayed with me as one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I liked the result in TypeDrawing but wasn't hugely thrilled with the font so used an oil painting effect app called OilCanvas to change it up a bit.
OilCanvas is pretty good except the pictures it produces are fairly small, as you can see. It's a shame because the effort that goes into producing a work of art is a bit disproportionate as a result. There are four paintbrush sizes and you're supposed to start with the biggest and work your way down to the smallest, going over every pixel of the painting until you've re-created an oil painting effect. It's very cool in that, like Artist's Touch, you control the flow and movement of the strokes and what you do has a big effect on the end result. It's definitely not just a filter that does all the work for you!
I intentionally didn't use the smallest brushes over the entire thing for this picture, liking the chunky larger pieces of colour I got with the bigger ones in this case.