Thursday, January 26, 2012

Number One-Hundred-And-Eighteen: The Last Light Of The Sun

Today's picture was based on yet another sun-through-trees shot that I took on the 401 on our way to Ottawa a couple of weekends ago. I had cropped it to this particular detail and wasn't quite satisfied with the quality as a 'plain' photo. So I messed around with it in Snapseed for the cropping and Drama filter, then used my usual settings in NPtR to give it a bubbled look. I used the Impressionist filter in Corel's Paint It! Now, then finally combined the original cropped photo with the heavily edited one in BlendCam on the Darkness Priority setting to give it a dark, almost nighttime feel. I wasn't sure how it would turn out but I ended up liking it a lot more than the original!

Today's title is borrowed from my favourite author, Guy Gavriel Kay.


  1. Love this one!! That's one of Chris's favourite authors too- I must admit i haven't read any of his stuff yet, but I will one day!

  2. Chris has AMAZING taste (as evidenced by his taste in women as well.) If you do dive into GGK's stuff I'd suggest starting with Ysabel. I think it's the most relate-able for someone starting with his work, even though it's very slightly spoiler-y for the Fionavar Tapestry if you care about that kind of thing.

  3. the colors are fabulous! it really has a wonderful feel to it. i am so envious, taking pictures is something i love, and wish i were better at. thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm a total beginner when it comes to Photography and am kind of relieved that this project restricts me to just using the iPhone for a camera. I can blame some quality issues on that. ;)

      That said I'm having so much fun taking pictures that I plan to get serious about photography and buy a real camera and everything. I really want to learn!
