Thursday, February 23, 2012

Number One-Hundred-And-Forty-Six: The Fanciest Ashtray

I was looking for photo inspiration around the house recently and was poking around in a cabinet that used to belong to my grandma. It holds things like wine glasses and various other things she left behind but I noticed a peculiarly fancy ashtray propped up in the back behind some crystal. I pulled it out to look at it, thinking that it reminded me of Wedgwood china and a bit amused that someone would make an ashtray so obviously not meant to be used as an ashtray.

I took a few pictures of it and edited it in Snapseed, cropping it and using a Drama filter on it to make it pop a bit more. Later I asked my mom about the ashtray, curious as to where it had come from. Mom told me that she thought it was actually real Wedgwood and so after investigating it more closely I found that it did indeed have a Wedgwood imprint on the back! A Wedgwood ashtray! Who'da thunk?

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