Monday, February 13, 2012

Number One-Hundred-And-Thirty-Six: We're All Growing

I know I've been posting a lot of photography lately. I've gotten really excited about taking pictures; more than about drawing which says a lot since I LOVE to draw (and paint and sculpt and so on.) Part of it could be that the iPhone screen is just really small, but on the other hand I'm finding a whole new artistic form of expression in photography; one that I'd never explored before starting this project. Maybe I felt like photography was just for people who couldn't draw? I don't know, but whatever the source my antipathy was a mistake!

That said; today's photo is of the oak tree in my mom's front yard. I took the photo with the iPhone camera, then cropped it in Snapseed, finishing it off with one of the dark Drama filters. Trees like this put me in mind of the illustrations of tiny branching blood vessels from the Gray's Anatomy on the bookshelf when I was a kid.

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