We bought an inflatable pool for Essie to beat some of the crazy heat we've been having. It's pretty deep for a wading pool and she's already enjoying the heck out of it but she does like to throw grass in it for some reason. Ah, well. Scooping grass out with the net gives me something to do, I suppose. She has a few bath toys in there as well and this combination of a foam fish and a foam starfish ended up creating a rather squid-like shadow on the bottom. I like to capture shadows every now and again in solidarity with Shadow of Shadow A Day.
I took the picture with Camera+, cropped it and used the Fashion filter from the Effects menu.
I really appreciate it. How do feel with about 60 days left on the project? I've got about 100 days to go and every week I think I got nothing. But then I get my second wind (for like the 100th time) and the shadows show up. I just wish they were more inspired, like they were in the beginning. However, the shadow you captured here is inspiring. I just want to go and throw all of my kids' toys into the bathtub and see what happens. Thanks! Once again you are a great source of inspiration!