Monday, September 17, 2012

Number Three-Hundred-And-Fifty-Four: Idyllic

I took Essie into the backyard to pick raspberries this evening and she got distracted by the bean plants in her grandma's garden. I chilled out in a lawn chair and just admired her and the evening sun behind her. I love this shot. It just embodies everything about how wonderful my mom's backyard is for Essie to play in every day and how this past year of AOMi has turned into a fantastic trove of picture memories for me to hold on to.

I took the shot with Camera+, cropped it and used the Flash filter from the Scenes menu.


  1. I love you too! I texted you in response to the birthday message you left me. I hope you got it and it didn't disappear into the text-munching vortex.
