At my cousin's wedding a week ago I visited the washroom only to look up at the light fixture above the sink and see a ladybug crawling around there. I regretted not having taken my iPhone in with me (although I'd had no reason to take it in; so I thought) to capture the sight.
I forgot about it after and so the next day out in the yard I was pleasantly surprised to look down and see a ladybug! It was like destiny, and so I opened Gorillacam and took a lot of shots of her in 3-shot bursts since she was moving fairly quickly. Finally she ended up at the top of a blade of grass and flew away.
In the end only one shot came out well, and I think it turned out remarkably well. I cropped it slightly in Adobe Photoshop Express and then imported it to Snapseed and used one of the Drama filters to make it pop a bit more. I have another Snapseed edit as well but I might save it for another time.
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