Monday, January 2, 2012

Number Ninety-Four: Blinds Wide Shut

I apologize! This is the first entry that I've been late submitting to AOMi and there was really no excuse since I had it ready to go. I had dental surgery today, however, and did not count on the drugs they gave me causing me to lose most of the day to a pretty heavy fog. It's past midnight now and I feel much more alert, so here is the 2nd's entry. Let's all pretend it's yesterday, shall we? *wink wink*

I took this picture with Gorillacam in the room we stayed in while we were in Ottawa recently. I cropped it down from a larger shot with Snapseed because I liked the decrease/increase feel of the perspective of the blinds and the sky outside. It felt appropriate, somehow, for the drawing close of the year.

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