Friday, January 20, 2012

Number One-Hundred-And-Twelve: Attack Of The Dining Room Chairs

I have mentioned Shadow A Day a few times before now and have talked about how intriguing I find Shadow's project. It really is fascinating to focus on shadows and how they change the subject! Essie is very interested in shadows currently and so when she was making shadow ducks on the dining room wall I couldn't help but notice how the shadows from the dining room chairs suddenly turned into marching aliens with antennae and toothy mouths!

I got out my iPhone and took a few shots with Camera+; an app that had been suggested to me by a friend when I complained about Gorillacam's lack of flash control. I haven't used Camera+ much yet but so far I'm very pleased with it. After taking the picture I explored the app's extensive editing capabilities and ended up using the Purple Haze filter in the Effects menu. I think it really sells the attack of the aliens, don't you?


  1. I love, love these aliens. Keltie, I draw so much inspiration from your project. I'm a working mom with two small children and my iPhone is my creative lifeline. Your iPhone art and art apps have opened a whole new outlet for me. Thanks, and keep shadow hunting.

  2. Thank you, Shadow! That means a lot to me. I feel the same way about my iPhone with regards to it being a magic box for creativity. It's so much easier to get pieces of art done with it around a toddler! Also if it weren't for you I may never have discovered how wonderful PhotoWizard is. It's one of my favourite apps now!
