Monday, November 21, 2011

Number Fifty-Two: Puffy Things!

My mom has a climbing plant in her backyard on one corner of the house that I kind of admired/wondered about for most of the summer. It had nice blue blooms in the spring and for the rest of the summer was covered in weird puffy things that grew fluffier and fluffier the older they got. I referred to it as the 'weird puffy thing' plant until finally asking my mother just a few moments ago what the thing is actually called. It's an Alpine Clematis! I've taken a few pictures of it and have stored them waiting for me to play around with them.

Today's art doesn't exactly showcase the plant as a whole but it was the product of some experimentation I've been doing with various programs. I know I took the shot with Gorillacam trying to capture the curly, withered nature of the leaves since the cold weather hit. It wasn't quite what I'd hoped so I used the Oil filter in Corel's Paint It! Now to see what happened. It was interesting but it lost the definition of the leaves. I decided to combine the original with the filtered shot in Blendcam and was very happy with the sketchy, airy quality the filtered shot gave the original while still keeping the leafy look I'd wanted in the first place.

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